Monday, August 19, 2013

House hold DIY awesomeness!

I'm due today. So far no action... But I have been busy. I read something on FB that got me thinking, wouldn't it be nice if we had a tidy little list of homemade awesomeness in one convenient place!? Well, here's that place. What follows are a mix of my own tried and true cleaning concoctions and a few I've found online and through Pinterest.
Megan's Everything, Everywhere Spray:
Spray Bottle
White vinegar
Lemon "Essential Oil" (EO)
Tea Tree Oil (TTO)

- Mix a 50/50 of water and vinegar and add ~20 drops of each EO. Shake well before use.
Can be used on counter tops, windows, bathroom sink, literally EVERYWHERE. The ingredients are both antibacterial and antimicrobial!

Megan's Upholstery Cleaner:
Spray Bottle
White Vinegar
Lavender EO

-Mix water and vinegar (70/30) and add ~20 drops lavender and ~10 drops TTO. Shake well before use. Use on all soft fabric surfaces, couches, pillows, mattresses. The lavender also works really well if you have fleas, it will kill and repel adults, but will NOT get rid of the eggs. TTO is great for any built up "bacterial" smells.

Megan's Tub & Toilet No-Scrub Spray:
Spray bottle
Blue dawn
White vinegar
Lemon EO

-Mix together in spray bottle using 50/50 ratio vinegar/water, about 1 tsp blue dawn (you must use the blue dawn, I'm not sure why, but it's God's gift to cleaning and does the best job on everything!) and 20 drops lemon EO. Shake gently before use. To use: Wet down shower, spray onto walls and tub, let sit ~15 mins rinse. It will cut through reasonable scum without scrubbing if you do it 2-3x a week, if you've gone awhile (like I do) without really getting in there use a rag and scrub a bit, rinse.

Megan's Bugg-off Rubb-on or Spray:
Coconut Oil
Lemongrass EO
TTO (optional)
Lavender EO
Citronella EO
Small Spray bottle
Pot of hot water (Boiled but not still on stove must be over 85 degrees)

-Melt your coconut oil completely in the pot of hot water (can take about 20-30 mins depending on how hot you got the water, be sure that your container holding the coconut oil won't melt at a lower temp) and add ~15 drops each of your oils. You can now decide if you want a rub on or a spray. If you choose a rub on your done allow mixture to harden! If you'd like to make a spray, mix in ~10 extra drops of EO's into your coconut oil mixture, then mix 50/50 ratio of water and put into your spray bottles.

Megan's Facial Scrub
~4-6oz breast milk (optional) can use water instead
3-4 Tbs salt or sugar  (I like regular table salt, sea salt is a little too rough on my face
1 Tbs raw local honey
2 Tbs melted/softened coconut oil
Half a lemon
Boiling pot of water/really hot running water
Bowl and a mixing utensil

-Mix ingredients in a bowl. I like to steam my face right before doing this scrub to really open my pores, I do this over a pot of boiling water because my tap water takes 36 hours to get hot. After mushing and mashing up all your ingredients scrub away using small circular motions. I try to let it sit for a good couple minutes or until I'm just too bored. Rinse well with warm water, take the lemon half and being VERY VERY careful not to get it in your eyes rub the lemon on your face. DO NOT get this in your eyes it burns like a mofo! Leave the lemon on your face for a few and then rinse with warm water. Pat dry and look gorgeous!

Megan's Spider-b-gone:
Spray bottle (depending on how much you LOATHE spiders a bug one or a small one I've got 3 small ones strategically placed around the house)
Peppermint EO

-Mix in ~25-30 drops of oils in spray bottle and mix with water. Shake well before use. Spray in corners where dust spiders make cobwebs, behind the toilet, under the sink, around doors and windows, coat your whole damn house because spiders HATE peppermint!
Now some say, hey if you get rid of the spiders you could have other bugs in your house that those spiders would have eaten, guess what I DON'T CARE! As long as it's not a spider I can deal.

Megan's Fruit Fly Fix: This is a pretty common one and I really can't take credit for coming up with it, my grams taught me this years ago.
Small dish/saucer
Apple cider vinegar
2 DROPs BLUE dawn dish soap
A pinch of Sugar

-Mix together the ingredients, and leave next to where your fruit fly problem is most prominent. Leave overnight, and change in the morning, for best results try to have the dish under a single source of light and have the rest of the room dim/black.

Many uses of Alka-Seltzer:
-Drop it in the toilet, wait for fizz to stop, scrub, admire your clean potty
-Nasty stuck on lasagna pan? Hot water, plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh no scrubbing today it is!

The Duggar Recipe for great laundry detergent:
(Original blog post :
4  Cups hot water
1  Fels-Naptha soap bar (Search the Fels-Naptha website to find a store near you that carries this)
1 Cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (most superstore will have this available)
½ Cup Borax
-Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of EO per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. I Like Lavender and tea tree as they pack a little extra antibacterial punch!
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

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